zinnia-bookwala.branded.me Review:

Zinnia (Abbas) Bookwala | Sr. Interior Designer & Detailer with proficiency in Design Development, Detailing & Project Management | Bio & Portfolio - Zinnia (Abbas) Bookwala | Sr. Interior Designer & Detailer with proficiency in Design Development, Detailing & Project Management | Bio & Portfolio

  • http://zinnia-bookwala.branded.me/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection Next Generation Professional Network - Create a professional profile that matters, connect with local professionals and join the fastest growing community of professionals in the world.

    Country:, North America, US

    City: -77.4728 Virginia, United States

  • Katie - It's great

    I bought this for an experiment we were doing in Biology on body temperature during exercise. This was super handy as I repeatedly took 22 students' temperatures. It's very fast and no touching means no transfer of germs!! It is pretty accurate and very consistent.

  • The Bard William Shakespeare - McAfee Sucks-Big Time. Don't Buy This.

    I should have known better about McAfees Total Protection. They are a disgrace. McAfee can not get it together.

  • Charles - It works!

    This car seat adapter is very easy to assemble and use. It works well with our Chicco car seat and can quickly be removed for use with an older child. Even mounting the safety straps was very simple. BOB is the Apple of jogging strollers, good designs all around.