www.nlm.nih.gov Review:

National Library of Medicine - National Institutes of Health - The National Library of Medicine (NLM), on the campus of NIH in Bethesda, Maryland, is the world's largest medical library. It collects materials in all major areas of the health sciences and to a lesser degree in such areas as chemistry, physics, botany and zoology. The collections stand at 5 million items--books, journals, technical reports, manuscripts, microfilms, photographs and images. Housed within the Library is one of the world's finest medical history collections of old (pre-1914) and rare medical texts, manuscripts, and incunabula.

  • https://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/ Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) - The UMLS integrates and distributes key terminology, classification and coding standards, and associated resources to promote creation of more effective and interoperable biomedical information systems and services, including electronic health records.

    Country:, North America, US

    City: -77.1602 Maryland, United States

  • Peter B. Drayson - Returned within an hour!

    I ordered this over the internet. Unpacked it, looked good. It says on the literature that they have Help Desk 9 AM - 9 PM, EST M - F, forget it; there is nobody there at 4 PM - 6:30 PM and they have changed it to 9 - 5 PM anyway; one thing when they sell you, another when you need help. Ssame old story - go to the website! Put in 7 business cards; did not catch the addresses in the fields; misfiled the phone numbers, often putting the last 4 digits of the number as an extension. Waste of time; do not order.

  • mrgoodyear - Don't waste your money. These oils likely have no therapeutic value, and are potentially dangerous

    I had been using a popular, "main brand" essential oil, but for curiosities sake, I decided to try a few other brands. People kept telling me I was over paying for oils, and there were cheap brands out there that were "just as good", "same quality", etc. I know that with the loose laws and stipulations that the government has in place for essential oils, companies can pretty much say whatever they want about their products (100% pure, therapeutic grade, etc.) without it being true at all. The only way to know for sure was to try other stuff. I had a very open mind, because if there really is something out there that's as good as what I'm using, but cheaper, I'd like to know!! The Kis website said all the right things, and was very attractive, and user friendly, but the oils were not available to purchase yet through the site, so I came to good ole' Amazon. Being somewhat familiar with the process of essential oils, I was pretty unnerved by how cheap they were.. They came fast, the packaging was nice. I opened them all up and gave them all a good sniff. Put a drop in my hands.. Continued to really experience the. I have been using essential oils for quite some time now, so I am pretty familiar with how they are supposed to smell, work, feel, etc. The aroma was pretty "off" on most of them, and the consistency was more oily that I am used to. Nothing so obvious that a brand new essential oil user would catch on to though. Well, 15 minutes later I had a throbbing headache, and was very nauseated. I am very sensitive to scented things, and synthetic fragrances. I knew without a doubt at this point that these oils are absolutely adulterated. I have never.. EVER had an essential oil cause a headache. It's quite contradictory to how an true EO is supposed to work. Anyway, since a bottle of essential oil only needs to contain a minimum of 5% PURE, UNADULTERATED essential oil in order to legally be labeled "100% pure", it is no surprise to me that these oils are adulterated. Likely containing synthetics, chemicals to enhance the fragrance, cheaper oils to make it stretch.. Don't waste your money. These oils likely have no therapeutic value, and are potentially dangerous (remember, anything you put ON your skin goes IN your body!). I'll keep using my expensive oils that I can trust, thank you.