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  • jena - maybe a second coat would be better. The older pair of boots were covered with ...

    Used this on two pairs of leather work boots, one pair was relatively new, the other pair relatively worn. The newer pair absorbed most of the sealant, but is waterproofed for the most part, maybe a second coat would be better. The older pair of boots were covered with a white chalky finish which the product does say can happen on some surfaces, but I could not get the white stuff to rub off the boots, so it essentially looked as though I made a mess with white spray paint on those boots, the water proofing didn't really work on that set either. I think it's a good product if you use it on a brand new, less absorbent surface.

  • K. Simmert - Junk

    If you want to ruin something spray this on it. Tried it in a sink it lasted 2 days. White film on everything you spray it with, then it starts flaking off. Don't buy it! Total rip-off JUNK.

  • Lori Hackney - I love the smell

    this does not give my hair the texture I was hoping for. HOWEVER it smells amazing. I wish I could find out if their other items smelled like this. I just love how this taffy smells. It actually smells like taffy you would eat. And the smell lingers in your hair all day long. Just love it!

  • wolfie - Line breaks every few feet.

    The big problem with using this as an edger is that the line does not feed. It breaks and like many, many people have said, you have to take the cap off, pull out the spool, try to find and dig out the end, feed it back without the spool unravelling, place the cap back on. In a few feet the whole process has to be repeated. I don't know who designed this, or who tested it, but they should go back to "how to build an edger school". Ultimately I left it out on my tree belt hoping someone would save me the cost of paying the city to dispose of it, however there were no takers.