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Global Dialysis - Directory of 16,505 dialysis centers in 161 countries, Holiday Dialysis, Dialysis Holidays,Dialysis Travel Specialists, Dialysis Travel Insurance, Travel Tips and Stories, Dialysis Centre Reviews, Dialysis Patient Blogs, Message Boards, Global Dialysis News and Jobs in dialysis, Travel insurance, Dialysis Jobs, Dialysis Holiday Insurance

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  • mreeb - Omega XL Nutritional Information

    Researching nutritional information for Omega XL. Can't find much, they talk about EPA and DHA but don't list the amounts or daily dosage. If this was such a fantastic product those amounts would be easy to find. Price is crazy high. This all screams SCAM

  • Rosa - Large tablets

    Tablets are way too large to swallow 3 of them. I cut them in half to help my 13 y.o. swallow them, but doing so exposes the flavor inside, and it's not the tastiest. Vitamin is good otherwise, but the size of the tablets forces us to look elsewhere