www.fitofarmacia.ro Review:

Magazin agricol fitosanitar insecticide erbicide fungicide raticide acaricide capcane soareci solutii gandaci - Magazin agricol fitosanitar insecticide erbicide fungicide raticide acaricide capcane soareci solutii gandaci

  • http://www.fitofarmacia.ro/produse/tratament-plante-si-flori/19 Tratament plante si flori - Insecticidele sunt utilizate impotriva insectelor, indiferent de forma lor, incluzand ovicide si larvicide utilizate contra oualelor si larvelor respectivelor insecte. Insecticidul este folosit in...
  • http://www.fitofarmacia.ro/produse/tratament-gazon-/22 Tratament gazon - Fertilizantul organic ofera gazonului toate elementele nutritive necesare unei cresteri continue, cu radacini solide si o culoare verde profund. Tipuri de fertilizanti: Fertilizant Peluza+Erbicid,...
  • http://www.fitofarmacia.ro/produse/substante-anti-insecte/10 Substante anti insecte - Insecticidele sunt pesticide utilizate in combaterea insectelor taratoare si zburatoare. Ele actioneaza prin contact sau sistemic. Se aplica prin stropiri in timpul vegetatiei, tratarea solului,...
  • http://www.fitofarmacia.ro/produse/dezinfectanti/26 Dezinfectanti - Dezinfectantele sunt substante antimicrobiane care fie distrug toate microorganismele daunatoare de pe un material, fie le aduc la un nivel sigur. Foarte putine dezinfectante sunt capabile sa...
  • http://www.fitofarmacia.ro/produse/anti-soareci-sobolani/13 Anti soareci, sobolani - Rodenticide, denumite si raticide sunt o categorie de pesticide ce se utilizeaza impotriva daunatorilor. Modul de actiune al acestor rodenticide - provocarea hemoragiei interne sobolanilor sau...
  • http://www.fitofarmacia.ro/produs/gel-impotriva-gandacilor-de-bucatarie-foval/1020 Gel impotriva gandacilor de bucatarie Foval - Foval - solutie eficienta anti gandaci de bucatarie   CARACTERISTICI: Este un produs destinat distrugerii gandacilor si altor insecte taratoare ce va pot invada casa....
  • http://www.fitofarmacia.ro/produs/solutie-profesionala-ce-combate-insectele-pertox-8-1l/873 OFERTA LUNII !!! Solutie profesionala ce combate orice insecta Pertox 8 1l - Substanta activa: Permethrin 8% ; Piperonil Butoxid 5% Mod de prezentare: 1l, 100 ml, 50 ml Mod de actiune: Pertox 8 este atat un insecticid de contact cat si de ingestie, cu o...
  • http://www.fitofarmacia.ro/produs/mega-oferta--solutii-profesionale-pentru-combaterea-insectelor-pertox8%2Binsektum-1l/1018 MEGA OFERTA !!! Solutii profesionale pentru combaterea insectelor Pertox8+Insektum 1L - Detalii produs: Pertox 8 este atat un insecticid de contact cat si de ingestie, cu o raza mare de actiune, prezentand urmatoarele propietati: se poate utiliza pentru spatii alimentare...
  • http://www.fitofarmacia.ro/produs/substanta-profesionala-anti-muste-50-mp-insektum-50-ml/983 Substanta profesionala anti muste 50 mp - Insektum 50 ml -   Substanta activa: Cypermethrin 10% ; Piperonil Butoxid 5% Mod de prezentare: 1l, 100 ml, 50 ml Mod de actiune: Produs autorizat pentru utilizari igienico-sanitare, cu spectru...
  • http://www.fitofarmacia.ro/produs/tilt-250ec-4-ml/369 Tilt 250EC 4 ml - Substanta activa: Propiconazol 250g/l TILT 250 CE-RV este un fungicid sistemic cu tripla actiune: de protejare, curativa si de eradicare. Este un fungicid foarte eficient in...
  • http://www.fitofarmacia.ro/produs/bravo-500-sc-200-ml/330 Bravo 500 SC 200 ml - Suspensie concentrata uz fitosanitar Fungicid Grupa: a-IV-a de toxicitate Compozitie: Clorotalonil 500 g/l Indicatii: Bravo 500 SC, este un fungicid care combate un...
  • http://www.fitofarmacia.ro/produs/biostop-banda-pentru-muste/979 BIOSTOP Banda pentru muste -   BIOSTOP Banda pentru muste Produs nontoxic, eficient fara efect negativ asupra mediului. Se utilizeaza in spatiile inchise precum locuintele si casele de vacanta. Mod de utilizare:...
  • http://www.fitofarmacia.ro/produs/consento-450-sc-1-l/335 Consento 450 SC 1 L - Substante active: propamocarb clorhidrat 375 g/l + fenamidon 75 g/l Caracteristici: Consento 450 SC are un mecanism dublu de actiune, sistemic si penetrant. Asupra manei...
  • http://www.fitofarmacia.ro/produs/via-di-qui-interni-rep-33-300-ml/1045 Via Di Qui Interni REP 33 300 ml - Produs nou intrat in oferta magazinului agricol fitosanitar FITOFARMACIA.RO Descriere: Spray-ul REP 33 este numai bun pentru a educa puii de catei si de pisici ca sa nu mai faca...
  • http://www.fitofarmacia.ro/produs/curzate-manox-1-kg/337 Curzate Manox 1 Kg - Substanta activa: Cymoxanil 5%+ Mancozeb 18%+ Oxiclorura de cupru 50% Grupa de toxicitate: a-IV-a CURZATE MANOX este un fungicid sistemic local pe baza de cymoxanil, combinat cu...

    Country:, Europe, RO

    City: 25 , Romania

  • Kazsy21 - Keeping what I have is good for now.

    I've been losing eyelashes recently and saw this so I thought I'd give it a try. I've been applying it daily before my eye makeup and have to say it gets in my eyes and stings a little. And though I haven't noticed my eye lashes getting longer or fuller I am happy to say that I'm no longer losing them either.

  • Kay Bowers - Try it...this really works.

    This is the first thing I've tried in all my 60 years that actually does what it says. I lost 16 lbs during the two week fasting phase. I would never have believed I could go 14 days w/o eating...I have always been a big eater. Now I am doing the weight loss phase...and it's so easy. I would recommend this product to everyone who has tried a zillion things that didn't work. I still have some weight to loose, but now I know I can do so easily. Try it, you won't be disapointed.

  • C M Anderson - A great novel about trying to find a better life after the great Ireland potato famine.

    Michael Wallace is a novel genius! This is about two Irish girls after the great potato famine in Ireland who board a ship to America to try to make a better life for themselves near the five points of New York. When Maeve O’Reilly's brother fails to find her after the ship's arrival, she teams up with Victoria MacPherson. It occurs to Victoria that they had only been living less than two miles apart most of their lives but never knew it.

  • C.H. - this product doesn't help in hair regrowth

    I have concerned with a batch of hair loss at the top of my head due to my stress and genetic reasons. I have bought all three aveda invati products eight weeks ago. I have followed all the instructions(16 sprays, and message my scalp at least 5 minutes everyday). I don't feel any warming nor tingling sensations on my scalp. Unfortunately, I don't have any changes for my hair growth after 8 weeks.

  • ArunR - Perfect for my needs

    This thing worked like a charm. Keep in mind , it wont last days. I think its good for an event or something and don't get too sweat. I will 100% buy this product again. I still have some applications to go. This lasted about 3months for me, depends on the size of the area being applied too i guess.

  • L Rod - JUNK!!!

    I Purchased the Patriot Defender exhaust pipes for my 2007 Fat Boy. Easy to install, but when I started the bike I noticed the exhaust turned gold especially where the exhaust goes from two into one. To make matters worse, the weather was only 45 degrees so it was not like it was hot outside. The cost for all this, $375 for the pipes (with shipping) and another $295 for mapping the exhaust, total $670. Not worth it, Learn from me don't buy these pipes!!!

  • Susan E. - Joico moisture treatment balm ...be very careful of this vaseline type conditioner!

    I have fine hair but dry from highlights and this was recommended by my hairdresser and I bought it and tried it and oh my god....it literally dissolved away alot of my hair. Now I barely have any hair left. What a disaster.