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    Country:, Europe, SE

    City: 18.0649 Stockholm, Sweden

  • xCrusade - Problem on arrival but ultimately satisfied

    Our first impression of this product was pretty negative. We had an issue with our treadmill that would not physically incline or decline as it was representing on the digital screen. This was frustrating due to the cost of the item and the troublesome route it would have been to return it. So here is our experience with this item:

  • jean mccoy - DID NOT LIKE

    I could not get channels i will stick with rabbit ears WHERE I CAN GET SOME CHANNELS AT LEAST TO WATCH

  • cint4rmheaven - DO NOT TAKE

    I took these pills the first morning with the vitamins that come with it and about an hour later felt very nauseous. I took it with my protein drink for breakfast and water and definitely do not like the way this product makes you feel. Still feeling sick 5 hours later. I read bad reviews on other sites that are not affiliated with the product and it had warning reviews about the amount of caffeine, etc in these pills that are known to cause heart attacks.

  • darthfoster - Awesome VR Experience

    This headset has become a family favorite. I originally tried out the PlayStation VR headset while shopping in Best Buy a month ago. The experience was amazing seeing everything in 3-D while playing the game. I could look at my hands and see a game version of them. looking up down and even behind me was a full fluid game environment, I was blown away.