
The Fertility Connection - Restoring fertility one step at a's  easier than you think...with a fertility coach - Ask about the 30 day PRE-IVF PROGRAM and 60 Day PCOS PROGRAMClick for HUNDREDS Of FREE  FERTILITY ARTICLES and FREE NEWSLETTER. The Fertility dedicated to resolving infertility and has helped hundreds of couples to restore their fertility a

  • The Fertility Connection - Fertility Coaching - Fertility coaching and re-thinking is all about whole-body fertility. Yes, your whole body, everything you put in it and on it can impact your fertility! Hundreds of studies have been written on how environmental chemicals reduce fertility and IVF success.
  • The Fertility Connection - Affordable PCOS Acupuncture - One specific electro-acupuncture treatment has helped many women with PCOS to ovulate naturally or respond better to ovulation induction.I like to begin this treatment one month before ovulation induction begins to help women to respond better to medicated
  • The Fertility Connection - Affordable IVF Acupuncture - Top-rated fertility clinics often recommend one specific electro-acupuncture treatment, twice per week, in the month before IVF for a very good reason. This protocol has been demonstrated to improve blood flow to the uterus which may help embryo implantati
  • The Fertility Connection - Fertility Acupuncture with a FABORM specialist focuses on: - ◆ Resolving male and female infertility◆ Preparing for implantation success◆ Boosting uterine and ovarian blood flow◆ Increasing IVF success ◆ Restoring ovulation in PCOS◆ Reducing miscarriage risks◆ Boosting ovarian response to medication◆ Improvi
  • The Fertility Connection - Your acupuncturist and fertility coach - About Hannah Calef, L.Ac., FABORM.As a Fellow of the American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine (FABORM) I have specialized in fertility, hormone balance and reproductive wellness for well over ten years. I am a British trained acupuncturist, license
  • The Fertility Connection - Free mini-email consults always available - By appointment only:  437 South Selby BoulevardWorthington, OH 43085When arriving for your first appointment please note that my office is attached to my home (this facilitates the very early morning treatments pre-embryo transfer I offer 7 days a week).Pl
  • The Fertility Connection - New Patient Form - Printing this page and completing it prior to your appointment saves lots of time and helps to fine-tune your treatment. All information is completely confidential and NEVER shared with anyone.Name___________________________Address_________________________
  • The Fertility Connection - Natural fertility tips - Natural fertility tips is a SMALL selection of studies that highlight the many ways that you may be able to improve fertility and IVF success naturally. You shold always ask your physician before making changes to your diet or nutritional supplements. This
  • The Fertility Connection - Columbus's acupuncture for infertility specialist. Acupuncture treatment is tailored to your individual needs and any fertility treatments that you maybe undergoing. Treatment can be immensely helpful when scheduled: Twice a week in the month before IVFBefore and after ovulation in medicated ovulation.Before and after embryo transfer. Around your natural cycle according to your specific infertility problems such as endometriosis or PCOS.  At your first visit the best strategy for your individual situation will be discussed. Every attempt is made to help you succeed with minimal acupuncture; free fertility coaching helps to ensure that you are well informed about self-help strategies and treatment options to speed conception and prepare for a healthy pregnancy.   I offer acupuncture treatments for clients trying to conceive naturally, and for those pursuing various forms of reproductive medicine and IVF. I work closely with a number of reproductive endocrinologists and gynecologists.  Many studies have been published highlighting the invaluable role that specific acupuncture protocols can have on infertility and IVF success.  A board-certified FABORM fertility specialist will ensure that the acupuncture treatments you receive are specific to your fertility needs and in harmony with the conventional care that you are using.  Acupuncture has been shown to almost double IVF success rates in some studies, whether you are a poor responder or good prognosis patient acupuncture is statistically proven to up your odds of success. Studies also show acupuncture helps to: ●  Induce ovulation in PCOS●  Improve blood flow to uterus●  Improve blood flow to ovaries ●  Reduce stress hormones●  Improve functioning of the hypothalamic - pituitary - ovarian axis   - Acupuncture is performed before and after embryo transfer at many top IVF clinics. The treatment used is usually referred to as 'The German Study' or Paulus protocol.A very well conducted study of 160 women at the Christian-Lauritzen-Institut in Ulm showed
  • The Fertility Connection - Fertility coaching success stories - I have worked with many couples in their 20's, 30's and 40's with every kind of infertility diagnosis, with many variants of ART and frequently with no medical interventions at all. Here are just a few things people have said about creating their acupunctu
  • The Fertility Connection - More Stories - I would not be pregnant without Hannah Calef.  I found Hannah when I moved to Columbus because I was looking for an acupuncturist to help manage my endometriosis and interstitial cystitis pain.  Hannah asked if I would also like to become pregnant.  I told
  • The Fertility Connection - More stories 2 - My fertility journey with all of its ups and downs started nearly 15 years ago.  Like so many other couples my husband and I tried and tried to get pregnant on our own, but we just could not find success.  After a few tests and even surgery we discovered t
  • The Fertility Connection - Fertility coaching articles and resources -  Boost Your Libido With MacaScratch Biopsy Improves Implantation IVF is more Successful in Springtime Flax Seeds for Female Infertility Phthalates and Female infertilityZinc and IVF Success Blueberry Antioxidant Smoothie DHEA Boosts IVF SuccessNatural Infe

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  • Sean Evans - Mine leaked

    Both hoses leaked, the crimps werent very good, I cut the crimp fittings off and put hose clamps on the nipples, seems to be working good now.

  • L.Hippensteel - frosted?! false advertising

    Why would they advertise this product at protecting clothing, iphones, and other materials that would look horrible or not function if it had a frosted finish on it?? We did a test spray on a piece of scrap wood just to see how the finish turned out, and it was horrible. Better off looking into something like this: