Review: TCDS | Canadian Drugstore - Operating since 2000. TCDS is the first Canadian online pharmacy & still has the world's best prices.

Country:, North America, US

City: -122.3558 California, United States

  • Archetypehealer - good read / perscription for healthy eating

    I like the book's content organization and writing style overall, but I wish the recipes were set off as a separate section. I bought the ebook version and wish I had purchased a physical copy.

  • London - Love these eye drops

    Great eye drops. Won't go for any other brand. I've tried a few others, but these have always worked the best. A bit expensive, but worth it.

  • KristinaK - Good starter kit!

    I'm a newbie at home manicures and found this pretty straight forward to use. My nails look great and they cured immediately.

  • Scotlandmom - works okay..

    I used it on my sliver/green Prius for small marks by the handles. it did smooth them off, but it faded after a while and I could see them again. I used it on my black mercedes. I used it on the hood for the swirl marks, works really well on black but the tube is too small to finish the job. also Step 1 cant be used on most cars after 2005 which I have a 2010, and 2009. so its useless.

  • dzldick - Worst printing program ever

    Worst printing program ever! I used Printmaster Gold for years & thought it was the best. PC updates wouldn't allow that program, so I updated. My biggest complaint is font enhancement. No outlines with 3D drop shadows. No wide variety of shapes to put the font in, & when you do put the font in a shape, it cannot be enhanced with shadows. Trying to navigate images on a projects is so complicated. Not a very good example of a once great product. It's not even worthy of the one star I had to give.