
Reliablerxpharmacy : Website stats and valuation - Reliablerxpharmacy is a reliable online pharmacy that is a distributor of generic and prescribed drugs. We offer best deals on the drugs without compromising on quality.

Country:, North America, US

City: -87.6272 Illinois, United States

  • Marie Wendt - Product easy to work with

    Tub appears to last forever for the amount that is used. Product easy to work with. Received package quickly.

  • Amazon Customer - Works very well!

    I've been using this product for a few weeks now, not every day but several times a week. It seems to work really well. I've noticed that a lot less hair is going down the drain as I shower, and there is way less hair in the comb. My hair used to fall out really easily, like if the wind blew hard several strands of hair would just fly right off my head. After using this shampoo, that is happening less frequently. Although I haven't noticed any new hair growth yet, this product is working as intended and greatly slowing down the hair loss. Thank goodness I bought it when I did, otherwise I would probably be bald by now! I highly recommend this product to anyone who is experiencing hair loss.