
Pediatrics of NEPA - Dickson City, PA - Pediatrics, Pediatricians, Primary Pediatric Care, Child, Children, Infants, Babies, Newborns, Adolescents, Teens - At Pediatrics of Northeastern Pennsylvania, we are committed to helping all of our patients achieve their health goals in a collaborative and supportive environment. Our number one priority is the health of your child. Pediatrics of Northeastern Pennsylvania is able to blend the latest in health information technology, our years of pediatric experience and genuine compassion to deliver the finest medical care available for your child.

Country:, North America, US

City: -75.7044 Delaware, United States

  • Dancer's Mom - Worked for Me

    I was skeptical about this product, but it has definately made a positive difference for me. I did not have major discoloration but was just looking for a whitening boost that did not involve bleaching which I have tried and found terribly painful! This product has been easy to use, I had not had any sensitvity to it, and it has notably whitened my teeth.

  • katiria - Very good book

    Is a good book to study and review all the things that you don't remember of different classes like math and science.

  • Michelle S. - Confusing and a red flag

    I have chronic dry eye problems and must wear sunglasses whenever I am outside. So I am very familiar with different brands and I own 3 pairs of RayBan RB3025 which are my go-to sunglasses if I know I am going to be wearing them any length of time, like 3-4 hours straight. Other brands just become too uncomfortable after an hour or so.

  • Charles W. Gregory - Best Solution for Mopping

    The built-in wringer works great, and the mop itself is nicely absorbent. When you don't need a full-fledged bucket and wringer setup, this is the perfect solution. It just works. Forget the squiffer and others of its ilk, stick with the KISS principle, Keep It Simple and Stupid.