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  • mentormom - Expands your world!

    I bought this for my curious grandson this Christmas. He was mesmerized! Real stuff, done by real people trumped the pretend world of computer games around our tree this year.

  • T. Reed - Terrible purchase, trying to get a refund but no luck yet :(

    The interface is like a 1996 computer program trying to look like a website, but failing miserably. It's clunky, difficult to navigate, and said I owed more than when I did TurboTax for FREE. If I can figure out how to get Amazon to refund my money for this I will.

  • megan bullard - Didn't work

    My cat suffers from allergies so he has lost a lot of hair, this was recommended by a vet but it didn't work for him...hopefully it works for yours .

  • Nadine LifeCoach - Inspiring

    So proud of these two. Their story is simple and inspiring. I love that even though she has not been formally trained in design that she's done so well and is confident in her abilities. Love that they've allowed their faith in God to be such an anchor.

  • Amazon Customer - Music that every library must have

    An old favorite I must have for the road. Now that I am begining to get many of my books mobile time to do the music.

  • d c sullivan - Very Disappointed!!!!

    I bought this 30 oz Yeti and was very excited to take it to work where it kept the water icy cold all day and the ice cubes were still in the water at the end of the day. However this great review lasted only 3 days because now the ice cubes are melting within 2-3 hours and the water is warm by the end of the day. I was so excited about this great find that I then bought a 20 oz Yeti for coffee which has yet to be delivered. I am very skeptical and will probably have to return both of them. This is a big disappointment and Yeti needs to figure out the lid situation. I would guess that the lid gasket is the problem after reading other reviews. This is an expensive tumbler so I would expect a lot better.