
Amji-web : AMJI Web - Site et Application Web - Réalisation de sites internet personalisés et sur mesure pour les TPE, PME, organisations et particuliers

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  • Jennifer Douglas - not sure how helpful it is since soft toss is pretty easy to handle without a machine

    does what it says it does. not sure how helpful it is since soft toss is pretty easy to handle without a machine. too cold to use it much

  • tiffany - 24 hours of impressive

    It worked fantastic for 1 day. Now anytime you plug anything into it, the unit won't charge it and near immediately shuts itself off.

  • sdecesare - 5 version (the age of hard disks) and this is by far the worst one ever

    There are so many defects and so many issues with this version it is NOT worth buying. I have been using FINALE since the 3.5 version (the age of hard disks) and this is by far the worst one ever. Takes them forever to update issues and when they do update, they mess up something totally. They use their customers as guinea pigs to test out their product (defects and all) so that the customer can find the problems and then hopefully fix them. Bad business practices.

  • D-DUB - Perfect NEON YELLOW

    I already have 2 other Aeon helmets, so buying the medium was no problem. This neon yellow is vibrant, paired with the same color gloves and you'll be much better seen on the road, especially in poor weather or at dusk.

  • Amazon Customer - Not a Lot Else Out There!

    I was using Quicken 2008 for an extended period. When I upgraded to 2011 I hadn't realized that according to most, Quicken communications with banks stops if not upgraded every 3 years. I have never seen a warning to that effect. While I accept 3 years as an adequate program life, I think its a stinker that Intuit apparently does not feel they should properly warn you.

  • Edward Corlin - Good product

    This is a good product, a type of recipe management system I can and will use. The biggest problem I see, and I have just started using it, is the fact that it runs on only one system. I have several systems around the house and don't want to buy 3 separate packages. If the previous problem is solved than sharing recipes via the cloud would be really helpful. The second problem, remember I just started using this software, is the lack of scalability. ie if a recipe makes 6 servings it should be able to scale it down to 2 servings or up to 9 servings.

  • Joanne D. - My kids love these!

    My kids love these, which I love because they don't like the vitamin C you put in their drinks. If I had one bad thing to say, it seems like the lid might be easy for a kid to get off, so keep them up.