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  • Azuree Riordan - It's not as bad as people say it is

    I ordered these about a month ago to see if they really worked. I ate 10 the first day, and nothing happened. I upped it to 25 the next day, and I had two regular bowel movements. I lost count as to how many I ate the third day, but it must have been a lot because only then did I get diarrhea, and it only happened that one day. The 'worst part' came a few nights later, when I was in bed and I farted so loud that I woke my husband from a sound sleep. I finished off the bag the next day and nothing more happened. I give the product three stars because they do taste good, and if you're patient it does give you the desired results. Still, it's not worth buying for $31.99 like I spent. If you're going to buy these Gummi Bears, wait for the price to come back down. Trust me, you're not missing out on much.

  • ella jack - Hormone cream

    I received my cream and am using it. I am presently on biodentical hormone cream and looking for something else that won't cause breast bloat.