www.thedistractedmom.com Review:

The Distracted Mom - Parenting Support for ADHD Families - The Distracted Mom is an RN, a mother of two, and has ADHD herself. She shares tips for parenting ADHD kids, staying sane, and for making a peaceful home.

  • http://www.thedistractedmom.com/home/adult-adhd/ Understanding ADHD - ADHD is often diagnosed late and undertreated. Symptoms of forgetfulness, losing things, difficulty prioritizing, and anxiety make diagnosis important.
  • http://www.thedistractedmom.com/home/the-adhd-home/ Simple ADHD Home Solutions - Create a peaceful ADHD home by simplifying and reducing distractions, letting go of overcommitments, and creating routines to make time for your priorities.
  • http://www.thedistractedmom.com/blog/ The Distracted Mom, RN - An ADHD Parenting Blog - The Distracted Mom is an RN, mother of two, and has Adult ADHD. She shares her own experiences, advice, and support for families on her ADHD parenting blog.
  • http://www.thedistractedmom.com/stories-from-readers/ Stories From Readers - These are stories from my readers, full of raw honesty, insight, and gleaned from years of experience.
  • http://www.thedistractedmom.com/resources-2/ Resources - The Distracted Mom - Blogs, advocacy websites, and other useful resources for individuals and families living with ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorders
  • http://www.thedistractedmom.com/books-i-recommend/ Books I Recommend - The Distracted Mom - Must-have books for families affected by ADHD or other behavioral and developmental disorders, recommended by an RN and mother of two.
  • http://www.thedistractedmom.com/contact-me/ The Distracted Mom - The Distracted Mom - I'm a mother of two and an RN with a background in Behavioral Health. I juggle hospital and freelance work, school, and parenting. And I also have ADHD.
  • http://www.thedistractedmom.com/media-and-sponsorship-info/ Media and Sponsorship Info - The Distracted Mom - The Distracted Mom is a mom, nurse, and writer, blogging about ADHD and parenting. With personal stories of challenges and triumphs, she hopes to inspire others to not just survive, but thrive with ADHD.
  • http://www.thedistractedmom.com/private-school-not-good/ Why Private School May Not Be Best For Special Needs Kids - Why Private School May Not Be Best For Special Needs Kids: Private schools are supposed to offer the best in education, but is it always the best fit? Not necessarily.
  • http://www.thedistractedmom.com/the-flip-side-of-hyper-focus-adhd-and-the-flake-factor/ The Flip Side of Hyper-Focus - ADHD and the Flake Factor - The power of hyper-focus... the single-minded passion that makes a new and interesting thing THE ONLY THING THAT EXISTS RIGHT NOW.
  • http://www.thedistractedmom.com/no-one-knows-add/ No One Knows I Have ADD - I have developed systems to maintain a facade at work, but it's like I'm living a double life! I have a secret... No one knows I have ADD.
  • http://www.thedistractedmom.com/letter-to-adhd-childs-teacher/ A Letter to My ADHD Child's Teacher - The Distracted Mom - As my kids start their year off in a brand-new school, I decided to write a letter to my ADHD child's teacher to give her insight and open a dialogue.
  • http://www.thedistractedmom.com/10-ways-adult-adhd-makes-you-less-cool/#comment-42286 10 Ways ADHD Makes You Socially Awkward - Here are ten ways I can't keep up with the cool kids who have it all together and somehow always seem to have matching socks.

    Country:, North America, US

    City: -111.6133 Utah, United States

  • Bart Malone - Here to Stay, John Hiatt

    I'm a John Hiatt freak, so it's always a good review. You'll hear songs he's done before, but some have been re-cut and re-mastered, so it's like hearing it for the first time. You just can't go wrong with John Hiatt, people!

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