www.shella-gardezi.ca Review:

Shella Gardezi Freelance - Shella Gardezi is a freelance writer based in Vancouver, BC. She provides hard news, arts and life articles and reviews, feature writing, advertorials and copy-editing services.

  • http://www.shella-gardezi.ca/copyediting.php Shella Gardezi Freelance - Based in Vancouver, BC, Shella Gardezi offers fast, affordable copy-editing. Improve your resume, cover letters, essays, marketing brochures and more.
  • http://www.shella-gardezi.ca/seo-services.php Shella Gardezi Freelance - SEO - Vancouver-based content-oriented search engine optimization for small businesses.
  • http://www.shella-gardezi.ca/about-us.php Shella Gardezi Freelance - Shella Gardezi is a Vancouver-based journalist with newspaper and online experience.

    Country:, North America, US

    City: -122.3933 California, United States

  • Desiree - I love it! And the packaging is beautiful

    I received this product for reviewing purposes. I've never used a cleansing toner again after my original experience. However, Quinn's may have just changed my opinion on that!

  • Lamb090571 - Yes - this genuinely works.

    I still have the tiredness caused by not sleeping as well after a good session, but absolutely none of the normal hangover issues, such as headhaches, sickness, fuzzy head etc.

  • Golly Gee - Semi-informative, completely compelling

    While the first 56 pages offered great detail on the symbiotic relationship between the outlook for wooden toilet seats and the price of rice in China, I was disappointed to find the authors completely neglected to take this cogent argument to the next obvious iteration: pandas. Yes, not one mention of the overarching impact of the Great Panda's increased presence in Chins and the availability:demand ratios in the regions adjacent to the Panda Preserves. Of course, if this area isn't in your investment portfolio, this book is 100% on target.

  • James Hagan - Good Practice book

    I highly recommend this book. after i bought this book i helped me understand some complicated stuff that i didn't understand that well. Great Value for what your getting. This study guide really helped me.

  • curt wilken - Men stay away from this product!

    This product contains a lot of soy. Soy contains isoflavones and are a naturally occuring plant ESTROGENs in soy protein. These estrogens can mess with your hormone levels. There are also enzymes in soy that act as anti nutrients and can block the absorption of amino acids. I took this stuff for a week before I had a terrible side effect. It made it hard to breath at night during sleep and I took it in the morning. I highly doubt that this product supplements 8+ veggies and herbs. The scoop is itty bitty. I did not feel more energy, so I will throw the rest out. The taste wasn't bad and I didn't really feel or see any signs of detoxification. I have been working out all my life and try new things once in a while. Lately I have been very disappointed by what is being sold out there. Men should stay away from this product. Use of this product could lead to man boobs.

  • Josh Hoffert - Paired with the Biotene PFB toothpaste this is a must have for CPAP users

    after I started sleeping with CPAP I started to expierence the most horribly, indescribable, dry and bitter mouth during the night and in the morning. It was so bad, I would wake up and not be able to get back to sleep.