www.qmhc.qld.gov.au Review:

Queensland Mental Health Commission | Listen - Lead - Unite - We strengthen the voice of all Queenslanders by seeking and listening to their views. We unite community, government and industry to improve outcomes for Queenslanders. We unite community, government and industry to improve outcomes for Queenslanders.

Country:, Oceania, AU

City: 153.0215 Queensland, Australia

  • Sydnie Robinson - Slumber Party World

    I choose this rating because this was a good and funny book about a couple of girls. The only this i disliked is that it was a little short. I would recommend this book to my bestfriends and some girls in my class that were my bestfriends then wasnt the was again.

  • Ebrahim Ghazvini Zadeh - Didn't work at all!

    This product is useless, absolutely useless. Even with a vegetarian diet and 5 days a week gym plus Zumba classes, I felt like my metabolism is getting slower and my belly is getting bigger after using this product, in fact two bottle of it. What a waste of money indeed.

  • AUashleyS - Great gift!

    My niece is obsessed with all things makeup, and when I saw these brushes, I knew I had to get them for her. She was so excited to use them when they came in, and couldn't stop feeling the bristles and commenting on how soft they are.

  • Texas Mom - OMG, It Really Works!

    FAN-...-TASTIC product We are repainting 503 continuous feet of 5'-tall metal fence along the road-frontage of our home property, using only canned spray paint (keeps kiddoes busy!). In hopes of somewhat easing the job, we bought a couple of these SafeWorld Can-Gun 1 attachments, figuring its award-winning design and lifetime warranty made it a good prospect for our purpose. OMG, it works!


    My husband bought me some Caudalie products for Christmas from Amazon. Among the products he bought for me was the serum. The packaging appeared to have been tampered with and the product smelled bad. I called Amazon and they suggested I call directly to Caudalie. I called Caudalie and was switched back and forth until I got a person named Candace V. on the phone. I explained to her that my husband had bought me Caudalie products for Christmas and the problems I had with the product. She responded to me as if I were a liar and was very rude. She said I could not return the product and gave me a lecture on how great the products worked for everyone else. I was taken aback by this. I was amazed that this type of person would be on the staff at Caudalie. When I asked to speak with her Supervisor she would not connect me and hung up. I suggest Caudalie not hire people of this low calaber to work for them. There are many products out there and I for one will not purchase products from a Company whose policy it is to be rude and abrasive to their customers. STAY AWAY