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Ask Doctor Jo | Physical Therapy Videos and More - Doctor Jo is a licensed Physical Therapist and Doctor of Physical Therapy. Her site contains free physical therapy videos for most common injuries and syndromes.

  • http://www.askdoctorjo.com/products Products | Ask Doctor Jo - Purchase product from Doctor Jo's product store to help with physical therapy rehab and recovery.
  • http://www.askdoctorjo.com/miraclebackpillow Lower Back & Core Exercises with the Miracle Back Pillow | Ask Doctor Jo - The Miracle Back Pillow is not only a uniquely shaped pillow designed to help relieve lower back pain, but it's also a great tool for lower back and core exercises. Click Here to Purchase the Miracle Back Pillow and use code JOTAKE10 to get 10% off! This video will show you some simple exercises you can do with the Miracle Back Pillow for lower back pain and core strengthening. Watch my full Miracle Back Pillow Review. PRODUCT REVIEW DISCLAIMER: This video represents the honest opinions of Doctor Jo. Thank you to MiracleBack for sponsoring this video and providing Doctor Jo with a free Miracle Back Pillow to use. If you purchase a Miracle Back Pillow from the link above, Doctor Jo will receive a commission.
  • http://www.askdoctorjo.com/MiracleBack Miracle Back Pillow for Lower Back Pain Review | Ask Doctor Jo - The Miracle Back pillow is a uniquely shaped pillow designed to help relieve lower back pain. With the Miracle Back pillow, you lie down on your stomach and let it naturally guide your back into a healthy, pain free posture. Click here and use coupon code JOTAKE10 to get 10% off a Miracle Back Pillow! Invented by Dr. Friedman, the Miracle Back Pillow helps to relax your back to relieve the pain and pressure associated with back pain by using your own bodyweight to traction your pelvis and relax back muscles. The Miracle Back pillow is great for a quick 15-20 minute relaxation session or for stomach sleepers to help them sleep in a more natural position. Either way, your back should feel more relaxed and refreshed when you get up. Related Videos: Lower Back Pain Back Flexion Stretches Lower Back Pain Exercises & Traction PRODUCT REVIEW DISCLAIMER: This video represents the honest opinions of Doctor Jo. Thank you to MiracleBack for sponsoring this video and providing Doctor Jo with a free Miracle Back Pillow to use/review. If you purchase a pillow from the links above, Doctor Jo will receive a commission.
  • http://www.askdoctorjo.com/knee-osteoarthritis Knee Osteoarthritis (OA) Stretches & Exercises | Ask Doctor Jo - Knee osteoarthritis (OA), or as it's sometimes called wear-and-tear arthritis, is a chronic condition of the knee joint. It's caused when the cartilage between the joint breaks down leading to pain, stiffness and swelling. The first exercises for knee osteoarthritis is a quad set. Straighten out your leg with your knee straight . You are going to try to push your knee down into the ground as hard as you can. To do this, you are activating your quad muscle. If you need a target for your knee, roll up a towel and place it under your knee. While you are squeezing your quad muscle to push the knee down, you can also pull your toes up towards you to activate the calf muscle. Try to told these for 3 - 5 seconds and do 10 of them. The next exercise is a heel slide lying down. Prop up your good knee and put your surgery knee straight out. Still keeping your heel down when you slide, pull it towards your body as far as you can, and then slide back down. You can do about 10 of these. If you want to get a better stretch, then you can use a strap, dog leash, or belt to get some extra bend in the knee. Place the strap on your shin and make sure it won’t slide off. Then use the strap to pull your knee towards you while you are doing the heel slide. After that you will do a bridge. Push your bottom up off the ground, but try to do this slowly, and do one segment of your back at a time curling upward. Then slowly go down the same way, one segment at a time. Now you will do a straight leg raise lying on your back. For all of these you want to try to keep your leg straight by locking out your knee, and pull your toes towards your nose to activate the muscles in your leg. Slowly raise your leg to about the other side where the knee is bent, and then slowly come back down. Then you will roll onto your stomach. Now you will do a hamstring curl. This time, keep your upper leg or thigh on the ground, and bend at your knee. Bring your foot towards your buttocks as far as you comfortably can, and then slowly come back down. Start off with 10, and work your way up to 20-25. If that becomes easy, then you can add light ankle weights. Finally on the ground, take a ball or pillow folded in half, and put it between your knees. Squeeze into the ball and hold for 3 seconds, repeat 10 times. The last exercise is standing up. This is on a tall step, but you should start off with something shorter like 2-3 inches. You can also use a step at home where there is a rail to hold onto. Go very slowly and controlled with the step up and step down. Count to three for both up and down with the movement. Related Videos: Knee Pain Stretches & Exercises, Real-Time Routine Knee Arthritis Stretches & Exercises
  • http://www.askdoctorjo.com/knee-pain-stretches-exercises-real-time Real-Time Knee Pain Stretches & Exercises | Ask Doctor Jo - Knee pain is very common, and osteoarthritis, or OA, is one of the main causes of knee pain. This real-time video will show you a 12 minute stretching and exercising routine you can do to help keep the pressure from tight muscles off your knee joint. Knee pain can also be caused by weakness, and knee tendonitis, or knee bursitis. In more severe cases, you might have injured your meniscus or ligaments. This routine should help with all of these forms of knee pain as well. For the first stretch, you are going to stretch your calf muscle, or gastrocnemius muscle. Keep your leg straight, and take the belt or leash and place it on the ball of your foot. Relax your leg and then pull your foot towards you. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds, 3 times. Next is a hamstring stretch. There are many ways to stretch them, and you can check out the hamstring stretches video for other ways to stretch them. Lie down on your back and still keep the strap or leash on your foot. Keeping your leg straight, pull your leg up with the strap as far as you comfortably can. Try not to bend your knee. If it bends, back off a little because you are trying to stretch too hard. Hold for 30 seconds and do it 3 times. The last stretch will be on your stomach, or in prone. This will stretch your quadriceps muscle. Take a belt or dog leash and wrap around your foot/ankle. Take the strap and gently pull your foot towards your buttocks until you feel a stretch. Hold for 30 seconds and do it 3 times. For the exercises, you are going to do a four way hip on the ground. The first exercise is going to be a simple straight leg raise (SLR). You want to squeeze your muscles tight to lock out the knee and pull your toes towards your head to keep the whole leg straight. This will work your hip flexor muscles when you lift your leg off the ground. Now roll over onto your side with the leg you want to work on the ground. You are going to work the bottom leg working your hip adductor muscles. Same as above, keep the leg straight. Next, is going to be on your stomach, and this works your hip extensors. The last one of the 4 way hip will be on your side. The top leg is going to stay straight and pull your toes up towards you. Keep your body in a straight line as well. This is going to work your hip abductor muscles. Just start of with 10 of these, but go slow and controlled so you are working your muscles and not using momentum. Related Videos: Knee Pain Stretches & Exercises Knee Strengthening Exercises & Stretches
  • http://www.askdoctorjo.com/content/knee-arthritis-stretches-exercises Knee Arthritis Stretches & Exercises | Ask Doctor Jo - These knee arthritis stretches and exercises are simple to do and should provide some relief from knee arthritis pain. They are also great for keeping your knees nice and fit. The main muscles around your knee are your quad muscles, your hamstring muscles, and your calf muscles. So it’s important to stretch and exercise these muscle groups. Let’s start with stretching first. The first stretch is for your calf muscles. Start off with your legs out in front of you. You can bend up the leg you aren’t using towards you in a comfortable position. Keep the leg you want to stretch out in front of you. Take a stretch strap, dog leash, belt, or towel and wrap it around the ball of your foot. Relax your foot, and pull the strap towards you stretching your calf muscle. You should feel the stretch under your leg. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds, and do three of them. The next stretch is for the hamstrings. You can use a strap, but this one will be without one. Keep your leg that you want to stretch out in front of you. Try to keep your back straight and just bend at your hips. People often want to curl their back so they can touch their toes, but you are not getting the best hamstring stretch when doing this. Keep your leg straight and pull your toes towards you to get an extra stretch. Hold this stretch for 30 seconds, and repeat three times. The last stretch is for your quad muscles. This time you will lie on your stomach to stretch. If you can’t lie on your stomach, you can lie on your side, but make sure your thigh stays in a straight line with your body and doesn’t come forward when stretching. Wrap the strap or dog leash around your ankle, and then lie on your stomach. Bring the strap up and around your shoulder so you are comfortable. Then pull the strap towards you bringing the lower leg towards your bottom. Hold this stretch for 30 seconds doing three of them. Now we will move on to the exercises. The first exercise is going to be a quad set. Put your leg straight out in front of you again. Sometimes you won’t be able to get your knee completely on the ground. You can use a towel roll underneath your knee as a target. Activate your quad muscle by squeezing it and pull your toes toward you at the same time. This will push your knee into the ground. Try to hold this for 5-10 seconds and do 10 of them. Next you will do a short arc quad (SAQ). For this, you will use a foam roll or a rolled up beach towel. You want something big so you have a good bend in your knee. Prop your leg over the roll with your knee on the roll. Try to keep your knee on the roll the whole time, and then lift your foot in the air until your leg is straight. If you pull your toes towards you at the end, this will help activate all the muscles in the leg. Try not to go fast because then you are only using momentum. Go slow and controlled with your movements. Start of with 10 of these. If you get to 20-25 and it is easy, then you can add ankle weights. For the next exercise, you will sit in a chair. This one is called a long arc quad (LAQ). This is similar to the SAQ where you want to go slow and controlled, and then bring your leg up straight out in front of you. Slowly come back down. Start of with 10 of these. If you get to 20-25 and it is easy, then you can add ankle weights. Now you are going to stand up for the last exercises. Use a chair or counter top for balance with these. For the hamstring exercise standing up, you want to keep the top part of your leg as straight as possible in line with your body. It might try to come forward if your muscles are tight, but try to keep it down. Slowly bring your foot back behind you, like you are trying to kick your bottom. Make sure you are going slow and controlled with these. Start of with 10 of these. If you get to 20-25 and it is easy, then you can add ankle weights. The last one is for calf strengthening. With your feet about shoulder width apart, and holding onto something for balance if you need to, come up on your toes bringing your heels off the ground, and slowly come back down. If that becomes easy, you can do this one foot at a time. Start off with ten and work your way up to 20-25.
  • http://www.askdoctorjo.com/rrt#disqus_thread RRT Pro 2 Review (Rapid Release Technology) | Ask Doctor Jo - The Rapid Release Technology (RRT) Pro 2 is a professional level massager that vibrates at a hertz that is 3 to 4 times greater than most other massagers. Click here to purchase the RRT Pro 2! The RRT Pro 2 has many benefits because with its higher vibration, it elicits the Tonic Vibration Reflex (TVR). Basically what this does is relaxes muscles with the vibration. So if you have muscle cramping, spasms, or muscle guarding, that won’t release with traditional stretching, this will help calm the muscles down, which decreases pain. The RRT Pro 2 also does a great job of breaking up adhesions and scar tissue from injuries or a surgery. Adhesions can cause pain and restrict movement. Therefore, the RRT Pro 2 can help increase movement and mobility of joints and muscles. The RRT Pro 2 can used for many different diagnoses from carpal tunnel syndrome and TMJ dysfunction to headaches and knee pain. The possibilities are virtually endless. And the best part is that they’ve done research to back up these benefits. Overall, the RRT Pro 2 is a great piece of equipment to have in the office or even at home, and it feels great too! PRODUCT REVIEW DISCLAIMER: This video represents the honest opinions of Doctor Jo.Thank you to Rapid Release for sponsoring this video and providing Doctor Jo with a free RRT Pro 2 to use/review. If you purchase an RRT Pro 2 from the link above, Doctor Jo will receive a commission.
  • http://www.askdoctorjo.com/sciatica-stretches-exercises Sciatica Stretches & Exercises | Ask Doctor Jo - Sciatica, or sciatic nerve pain, can have many different symptoms from nerve pain and numbness to tingling and weakness. The pain is most often felt in the buttock area or in the back of the thigh and calf. These sciatica stretches and exercises should help ease the pain. The first stretch is called the pelvic tilt. You will roll back onto your back with your knees bent. You want to imagine pushing your belly button into the ground, or push your back flat onto the ground like you are squishing something. You can put your hand under the curve of your back, and try to push your back into your hand. Hold these for about 3-5 seconds. Now you will do bridging. Push your bottom up off the ground, but try to do this slowly, and do one segment of your back at a time curling upward. Then slowly go down the same way, one segment at a time. Next will be a piriformis stretch. Cross the leg that is hurting over into a figure 4 position. Pull the good leg up towards your chest by grabbing underneath the knee. You can use a belt or leash to help pull the leg up if your hips are not very flexible. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds, and do three on each side. Now you will do a sciatic nerve stretch/glide. Bend the knee of the injured side up, and grab your leg around the back of the thigh to support it. Pull your toes up like you are tightening your calf muscles. Slowly straighten your leg up towards the ceiling until you feel tension, but not pain. Then slowly come back down. This is a continuous movement, and you only want to do 10 a day. The next stretches/glides will be sitting in a chair. The first movement will be a combination movement. Bend your head back into extension and kick your leg straight out at the same time. Then bend your head forward into flexion, and bend your knee back down. Alternate this movement 10 times. Finally, you will prop the injured leg up on a small stool. Keep your leg straight, and try to keep your toes pointing the ceiling. Your leg might try to rotate, but try to keep it straight up. Then keeping your head in a neutral position and looking forward, sidebend to the opposite side. Make sure you are doing the correct technique with this, and only do 10. Related Videos: Sciatic Nerve Pain Stretches & Exercises Piriformis Syndrome Stretches & Exercises
  • http://www.askdoctorjo.com/content/sciatic-nerve-pain Sciatic Nerve Pain | Ask Doctor Jo - Sciatic nerve pain usually occurs in the buttocks area, and it can often be caused from a tight muscle in the buttocks area called the piriformis muscle. People often describe the pain as achy, shooting, heavy, and just a pain in the butt...literally. This video will show you some simple stretches to keep the pressure off that sciatic nerve! The first stretch for your piriformis will be on your back. Cross the leg over that is hurting into a figure 4 position. Grab the knee on the same side of the pain with your opposite hand, and pull it up and across your body to the opposite shoulder. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds and perform 3 times. The next stretch, you will keep the figure 4, and pull the good leg up towards your chest. You can use a belt or leash to help pull the leg up if your hips are not very flexible. Finally, turn over onto all fours, or quadruped and cross the injured side in front of you. This is going to be a big stretch, so only do this if you are not feeling much of a stretch with the other exercises. Once you cross your leg over, lean down towards the floor to the opposite shoulder. Here are some buttocks exercises.
  • http://www.askdoctorjo.com/piriformis-syndrome Piriformis Syndrome Stretches & Exercises | Ask Doctor Jo - Piriformis syndrome is literally a pain in the butt. The sciatic nerve runs underneath the piriformis muscle. When it gets tight and irritated, it often presses on the sciatic nerve causing symptoms of sciatica. These stretches and exercises should help with piriformis syndrome. To start off, I am going to show you some modified stretches in a chair. These are better if done on the ground, but sometimes, you don’t have an area to lie down or maybe it is too hard or painful to lie on the ground. Seated in the chair, take the leg of the side you want to stretch, and cross it over the other leg just above the knee. This will look like a figure 4 if you are looking down at your legs. You might feel the stretch already, but if you don’t, keeping your back straight, bend forward at your hips. Hold this stretch for 30 seconds, and repeat 3 times. Now is the opposite knee to chest stretch. In the same starting position, now take your opposite hand, and pull your knee up and across towards the opposite shoulder. If you are very flexible, you can hug your knee. Hold this stretch for 30 seconds, and repeat 3 times. The rest of the stretches and exercises are on the ground. The first two are like the ones in the chair except your back is on the ground. Cross the leg that is hurting over into a figure 4 position. Pull the good leg up towards your chest by grabbing underneath the knee. You can use a belt or leash to help pull the leg up if your hips are not very flexible. Next, you will keep the figure 4, Grab the knee on the same side of the pain with your opposite hand, and pull it up and across your body to the opposite shoulder. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds and perform 3 times. Now you will do a clamshell exercise. Still lying on your side, bend both knees slightly forward. Try to keep your hips perpendicular to the ground with the top hip towards the ceiling. Slowly lift the top leg up and out, like a clamshell opening up, and then slowly back down. Then you are going to lie on your side with the side you want to strength on the ground. Try to get your body in a straight line, and place your elbow on the ground just below your shoulder. Come up into a side plank. Hold it for 15-20 seconds, and work your way up to a minute. If this is too hard, you can start the side plank on your knees. Finally, you will roll over onto your stomach. Try to keep your hips down on the ground, and bend your lower leg up at your knee so your foot is towards the ceiling. Slowly lift your leg up to the ceiling. You don’t have to go high because you don’t want to roll your body to the side when lifting. Start off with 10 of these, and work your way up to 20-25. Related Videos: Sciatic Nerve Pain Stretches & Exercises Hip Bursitis Stretches & Exercises
  • http://www.askdoctorjo.com/golfers-elbow Golfer's Elbow Stretches & Exercises | Ask Doctor Jo - Golfer's Elbow, or medial epicondylitis, is when you have irritation on the inside of your elbow. These Golfer's elbow stretches and exercises should help relieve the pain. The first set of exercises will loosen up the muscles, try not to push through pain, just get a slight stretch. You can prop your arm on a table and let your wrist hand off or you can hold it up in the air. Make a fist with your hand with your palm down. At your wrist, bend your wrist up to work the muscles in extension, and then bend it down to stretch the muscles in flexion. Then turn your fist to the side with the thumb toward the ceiling for a radial and ulnar deviation movement going up and down. Finally, with your palm open and your elbow by your side, turn your forearm up with the palm up in supination, and then turn it down into pronation. Do all of these about ten times. For stretching, put your arm straight out in front of you. With your palm down and making a fist, bend your wrist up with overpressure from your other hand. If this is not enough of a stretch, open up your fingers pointing them in the air and do the same stretch. Hold these for 30 seconds, and do three of them. Now grab a hammer or something that is top heavy to give you an extra stretch with overpressure. You will do your supination and pronation now with the hammer. Do ten of these. Finally you will do a bicep curl. You can step on the band, and keep your elbow by your side. Pull all the way up and all the way down. Make sure you are doing the full motion to maximize working the muscle. Make sure you are controlling the band; don't let the band control you! Related Videos: Tennis Elbow & Golfer's Elbow Pain Stretches Tennis Elbow Stretches & Exercises
  • http://www.askdoctorjo.com/content/elbow-pain Elbow Pain | Ask Doctor Jo - Many times with elbow pain, you will be diagnosed with tennis elbow or golfer's elbow. Tennis elbow is when you have pain on the outside or lateral side of your elbow or forearm. This is when the extensor muscles of the arm get irritated and it is called lateral epicondylitis. Golfer's elbow is pain on the inside or medial side of the elbow or forearm. This is when the flexor muscles get irritated, and it is called medial epicondylitis. These exercises will also help if you have been diagnosed with tendonitis or bursitis of the elbow, or if it is just feeling stiff or achy. Start off with your arm out and no bend in the elbow. Go gently first, bend your wrist down into flexion. Then bend your wrist up into extension. If that doesn't feel like a good stretch, you can use your other hand for some overpressure. Gently push into the direction you are stretching. You can also push against a wall for some overpressure.
  • http://www.askdoctorjo.com/tennis-elbow Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis) Stretches & Exercises | Ask Doctor Jo - Tennis elbow, or lateral epicondylitis, is a very painful condition on the outside of the elbow from an overuse injury. It can be caused from several sports or even overuse on your computer or iPad. These stretches and exercises should help. The first set of exercises will loosen up the muscles, try not to push through pain, just get a slight stretch. You can prop your arm on a table and let your wrist hand off or you can hold it up in the air. Make a fist with your hand with your palm down. At your wrist, bend your wrist up to work the muscles in extension, and then bend it down to stretch the muscles in flexion. Then turn your fist to the side with the thumb toward the ceiling for a radial and ulnar deviation movement going up and down. Finally, with your palm open and your elbow by your side, turn your forearm up with the palm up in supination, and then turn it down into pronation. Do all of these about ten times. Now for some exercises, you can use a soup can or resistive bands if you have some, but start off with something light. Go back to your flexion and extension movement, and go slow and controlled with this. Do about ten of these. Now grab a hammer or something that is top heavy to give you an extra stretch with overpressure. You will do your supination and pronation now with the hammer. Do ten of these. For stretching, put your arm straight out in front of you. With your palm down, bend your wrist down with overpressure from your other hand. If this is not enough of a stretch, curl your fingers into a fist and do the same stretch. Hold these for 30 seconds, and do three of them. Finally, roll up a towel and hold it straight out in front of you. Now you will twist at your wrist, like you are giving gas to a motorcycle. Try to keep the tension tight on the towel. You can also buy a Theraband Flexbar for more resistance. Related Videos: Tennis Elbow & Golfer's Elbow Pain Stretches Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Stretches & Exercises

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