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  • Michelle - Zapped me out of a slump!

    I have been under a lot of stress this year. In addition, I found out through genetic testing that I have MTHFR and that I need to take methyl forms of B-12 and folic acid. After weeks of extreme fatigue and sleeping problems, I started this a week before a big exam that I spent 4 months studying for. Immediately my sleep improved and I remember my dreams after so long of not really dreaming. I finally was feeling alert and able to get some really good studying in. I'm pretty sure this saved me and I ended up passing my exam!! I started to take another dosage in the afternoon and tolerate it well. My body must have been extremely deficient. Another great thing is that I have no mood swings, even during that time of the month. All this B-12 has calmed me down and I feel at peace on it. I would be an absolute mess if I didn't start taking this 6 weeks ago!

  • m16shooter - Great product!

    First off, I am not a distributor or a promoter. I'm just a normal Joe that was looking to loose a few pounds and cleanse my body. And on that note, this DOES work. I lost 9lbs and have managed to keep off 7lbs since. If I ever feel the need to detox/cleanse again, I will definitely buy this again.