urologyuk.org Review:

Anaesthesia UK : FRCA Home Page for Anaesthestists in training for postgraduate exams - Anaesthesia UK FRCA: A site for anaesthetists in training. Contains summary pages that will help with revision for the primary FRCA examination in anaesthesia. Includes multiple choices as well as topic summaries

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  • Vance - Another Collection of Mostly Boring Yawns (I mean Yarns)

    I always favor the Best American Mystery Short Stories over this anthology. While this edition served up perhaps 3-4 decent stories, including "Breatharians," by Collan Wink, for the most part the stories were yawners, elitist yarns (yawns) by the typical crew of our supposed best short story writers, like George Saunders, Jim Shepard, and especially mournful and moanful, Alice Munro. Not worth the price of admission.

  • M. Harris - simply phenomenal

    Super practical advice. I'm dealing with a temporary long distance thing right now that was on the brink of exploding until I started applying some of the things from this book. Now I get flashed multiple times every time we FaceTime, and she goes on about how horny she is often. If it works from a thousand miles away, I can't imagine how great it must be when we are back in the same city.

  • Jake - Great 4K tv

    This tv is not as bad as some of the reviews given. I bought this at frys price matched with Amazon. So far this tv has been great very clear picture. There is some blur when watching sports haven't seen blur on other shows. On the "Action Menu" on the remote you can place this in "live football mode". I also have the Disney wow calibration tool and I calibrated the tv and it looks great to me might be different to others it's all on preference. Below are my settings:

  • Diana Rood - Surprising value

    I ordered these chairs for around the pool. Was skeptical b/c of low price, but they've proven me wrong. We used them at the family reunion, lots of people sat in them, they held up great. My ONLY complaint is that the pillow is attached, but not fixed or able to be "fixed" in one spot so they always end up in your lower back or somewhere you don't want them. I ended up taking it off b/c it's too annoying. BUT, the chairs are great and much cheaper than I've seen them anywhere else. Very comfortable too.

  • Hicham - Great value

    Full charge my S6 edge at least 5 times, but only have one USB port, it means that if you are charging the battery, it won’t be able to charge other devices at the same time.

  • jacman - Reading this book felt like Keith was in my living room and we were ...

    Reading this book felt like Keith was in my living room and we were chatting about his life. The story is in your face and pulls no punches, just like his music.