
Home - Tanzania Commission for Universities - The Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) was established on 1st July 2005, under the Universities Act (Chapter 346 of the Laws of Tanzania) to succeed the former Higher Education Accreditation Council which had been in operation since 1995

Country:, Africa, TZ

City: 39.291 , Tanzania

  • big family - Works great to prevent stomach flu!

    I haven't been a big believer in essential oils until staying at a friend's house...a couple of our children got the stomach flu, my friend immediately gave the rest of us (7 people) Thieves oil in water. She put some in water on the stove top, sprayed some around in a bottle of water/thieves...and no more of us got sick!! Since then we were at another friends house and some of their children got sick, we started using Thieves like it was going out of style, none of us that used it got sick! So I think I dare say this works great!

  • Shannon - Worked

    I bought this for someone else, it worked for their purposes, however he used it in combination with the Super Q Caps, so it's unclear exactly which one worked, if not both.

  • D. FLORIO - Not for me

    I have baby fine hair and I needed a little help around the hairline. No matter what I did I couldn't get it to adhere properly or look natural.The texture difference between my silky hair and the product was noticeable. I would get some fallout throughout the day which caused horrible eye irritation..I could see how this might help for people who need it more on the crown, but for me not good.

  • Eve in Ohio - Dermatologist recommended

    My dermatologist recommeded this cream to me about two years ago and I use it every day on my face and neck. I don't know about it making a difference to wrinkles but I always get people telling me that I look like I'm 25 when I'm actually 36.

  • Brad Scott - Exactly what I expected, which is good.

    I received this two weeks ago, and got it set up last weekend. I needed a couple of neighbors to help get it up the stairs into my office. Once on the correct floor, you can roll it around, but at 175 pounds, even two people might have a tough time getting it up the stairs.

  • Jo Anne Smith - BEAUTIFUL Phone with Numereous Features

    This beautiful sleek white phone is my second BLU phone purchase and a perfect addition since I now carry two phones. It has two Sim card slots that can be used to add a second cell number for convenience or while traveling outside the USA / internationally. Using a second Sim will save a tremendous amount of money on phone expenses, especially in Mexico where the last resort I stayed in charged $95.00 per minute [in their currency] - that's right ninety-five dollars! Before you travel internationally, check with your carrier to determine whether you need a International Sim card or if your regular Sim will do the job. Also, my first BLU phone automatically transferred my entire phone book to this new BLU phone and all I did was charge them side-by-side. When finished, there was my entire phone book on the new phone - Voi La! You will LOVE this phone!