
MedMedicine - Medicina, Salute e Formazione - MedMedicine dal 2011 fornisce informazioni circa il mondo medico e scientifico trattiamo di: Medicina, Benessere, Alimentazione, Salute, Farmaci.

  • Blog - MedMedicine - Tutti gli articoli pubblicati su MedMedicine più recentemente sono in questa pagina, torna a visitarla spesso per ulteriori articoli.
  • Le 15 (+1) Migliori App per Medici del 2016 - MedMedicine - Sei un Medico o uno Studente? Questa pagina ti sarà utile, all'interno sono presenti le migliori 15 app per medici e studenti del 2016 (testate da noi).
  • Materiale Didattico e Download - MedMedicine - Nell'area materiale didattico di MedMedicine troverete dispense, appunti, slide ed ebook, articoli consigliati, approfondimenti e molto altro ancora
  • Aspetti fiscali e previdenziali del medico in formazione - Una guida sui principali aspetti fiscali e previdenziali del medico in formazione (specializzando o frequentante CFSMG)
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    Country:, Europe, IT

    City: 13.8481 Ascoli Piceno, Italy

  • Christy P - So addictive!

    Wowza! I couldn't put this down once I started. It's so addictive. So hot. So juicy. So beautiful. I can't wait for the next one to see how this plays out!

  • Rick - Great Product - Extremely BRIGHT LED Indicator Though . . .

    This USB Charger by Zookki provides good power for my electronics. I have used it simultaneously for my S7 Edge phone, IPad-4 and a Nexus tablet. All charge as quickly as if they were in a dedicated charger. It loses a star for the obnoxious blue lightening bolt LED indicator. It is used only to show that the USB charger has power going to it. Lights up the room at night and no way to turn it off. I put a piece of duct tape over it and it still is visible. Not a big deal, but may be an issue for some.

  • SHERRY MUELLER - game that is hard to find

    it is the game that I ordered and I am very satisfied with the game. I would recommend it to other customers. I got it just for a game and not for any kind of cult doings as I do not believe in such things. Was just for the kids to have fun with and they enjoyed it.

  • gadget happy - Nice phone but check with your carrier first.

    This was an excellent phone and unfortunately I had to return it. I called the local AT&T store to see if they could activate the phone. One rep from the store said YES on the phone but when I got there the answer became NO. It wasn't compatible with their network. The same could be said for Tracfone in my area. What a disappointment! There really isn't a way to check before placing the order with Amazon because it depends on the IMEI number on each phone and many Amazon customer reviews were hit and miss with that info. The phone was fast, great resolution and looked similar to an iPhone 6. I do want to mention how great the customer service was at Amazon when I needed to return the phone. I was considering just keeping the phone and using it on my WiFi but I have so many devices as it is. If it works with your carrier than you will have a nice phone.

  • Ravenrose - Does the job while allowing you to have a normal life with no surprises.

    Gotta love a product that does what is says! Cleans the butt and makes you feel better. This will purge the hot dog that you ate as a kid back in the 80's that needed an extra push to finally vacate your colon. Easy on the stomach with no surprises like other products.