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  • Right Back Atcha - Garbage. Save your money.

    Worthless goop. My trim was faded within one rainfall and two weeks. Just terrible. I used both this product and their headlight restorer and both are garbage. By a can of Penitrol from Home Depot and use that on your plastics. It removes oxidation from boats too. Its works very well and lasts for more than a year.

  • CO Fiddle Gal - A must have in my home.

    This is the best glass cleaner I've ever used. I actually look forward to using this and a squeegee on my large home Windows because I don't have to deal with the streaks, etc. I get when using popular glass cleaner from the grocery store. Now that I found this, I'll never use anything else for Windows and mirrors. I actually have to hide it from my 23 year old son; and that's saying something! I now buy the 3-pack because it's a great deal.

  • Philip Bailey - Poisoned Politics

    I just did not think politics could get any nastier, then along comes this book and nasty is now raised to an art form. Complete with complex conspiracies, giant size egos, murder on demand and mysteries that slowly untangle albeit at a fast pace read. It is an improbable scenario with definite possibilities one can only hope is never attempted. Provocative. A definite great read for an entertaining but reader is likely to dwell on this concept for some time. Could it?

  • ReviewForYou - Best I've Ever Used

    The Art of Shaving shaving cream is the best I've ever used. I have very sensitive skin and this doesn't leave it feeling dry or with razor burn. Works the best with a shaving brush.

  • Viviana L. Castillo - Amazing magical cream 🙌

    This stuff is amazing! I can't tell if it will erase the acne scars I have from cystic acne yet because I just got the cream in the mail last night. However, I have oily skin and my skin is normally very shiny and oily in the morning when I wake up, and throughout out the day, which ends up making my make up run. I put the cream on at night after I cleansed my face with a charcoal cleanser, and I almost fainted this morning when I looked in the mirror! No grease face!!!! I could not believe my eyes!!! I washed my face again and put it on again before using my primer and today I haven't touched up my make up at all!!! My pores were invisible, my skin texture was amazing, and hardly any oil, which meant my face wasn't shiny and my make up did not run!!! As a matter of fact my make up only came off when I washed my face in the shower!! I Just put the cream on again. This cream also makes your skin very soft. If all else fails, and my severe acne scars are not totally gone, this is still a win for me!!! I've spent a fortune on fancy primers and other potions, this cream is a miracle and I love it 😍😍