
**** HOTEL EL OLF, HAMMAMET **** - Hotel El Olf Hammamet - 4 star hotel. The charming 4-star Hotel El Olf offers medical service, ironing service and 24-hour reception.

  • Hotel El Olf Hammamet Location – Hotel El Olf photo, overview, rooms and rates, services and facilities, map and location – Hotel El Olf Hammamet reservation - Hotel El Olf, overview, photos, location, rooms and rates, services and facilities, cheap rates reservation

    Country:, North America, US

    City: -77.3827 Virginia, United States

  • ChicGeek - Not for me

    I purchased this item to use during my recovery from total ankle reconstruction. I had to be completely non-weightbearing on that leg for a month, followed by a month of partial weightbearing. Crutches were not a viable option for full-time use as I needed at least one hand free for tasks such as meal prep. This item seemed like the best choice. I had high hopes and eagerly tried it out prior to the surgery. It was a little scary, to be honest. I am a petite gal and this thing just felt so bulky and unwieldy from the get-go. The upper part pivoted around that tiny foot in a difficult-to-control manner, making it seem wobbly, and the weight of the apparatus made it somewhat of a challenge to lift with just my hip/leg muscles. I never really felt safe on it despite watching several videos produced by the manufacturer and practicing the techniques contained therein. In fact, the one time I wore the device for an extended period, there was an incident when that pivoting action occurred and I landed HARD on my non-weightbearing foot as I fell backward on a sidewalk. That was it for me and the iWalk 2.0. I switched to a knee scooter after that. I should add that I am a fairly athletic person and in fact had the surgery for a sports-related injury; balance and coordination are not normally problematic for me.

  • caitlin francke - A scam - BEWARE HIDDEN COSTS

    I bought the Total Transformation program so I could better handle my ADHD daughter. I was prepared for the $347 cost with shipping. What I was not prepared for was $600 in total fees. When I called to inquire with Customer Service, they told me that in addition to The Total Transformation Program, I had purchased the Parental Support line and The Total Focus Program (both of which were free for a certain time period, but then fees kicked in.) I told them that I had not purchased those items and customer service insisted I had. I checked my receipt. It was intentionally vague, not listing out what was purchased and what was not, nor alerting to eventual fees. I called customer service back and they agreed to remove the Parental Support fee but they REFUSED to remove the Total Focus program (at a cost of $129). I told them that yes, I had received it, I thought it was a bonus and had never used it. I offered to send it back as it is still in its original packaging. They said no, the time for returning is over and would not refund me. Clearly this is part of their business plan to offer one product, then slip in others and have unsuspecting parents like me get hit with the bill.

  • carolyn duncan - I would like to make a comment on this 4 in 1 ...

    Yes, I would like to make a comment on this 4 in 1 blender by VonShef that I recently purchased. My experiences with blenders in the past have been horrible. So I was very skeptical about buying this one. I had been looking for a seed/nut grinder. Well I got to looking at this blender and reading about it and discovered that it was not only a blender but also a grinder too. I liked that idea very much. I read the reviews and decided to purchase it. I want to let you know that I am so very pleased and satisfied with this one. It has done everything I wanted it do. I have used it as a blender and then as a grinder to grind some seeds into a flour. I would def recommend anybody to purchase this. It is just wonderful.

  • Retired Guy - Avast for free!

    For years, my son has scoffed at my quest for the best anti-virus software. As a computer tech and software engineer, he simply advised me to get Avast ASAP, and then made some other suggestions that I speak to elsewhere. Let me just say that download was a cinch, I set up automatic scans, and virus updates with no hassle. My own chats with people about anti virus software often leads me to say that I have Avast, which leads to nods of approval. Avast does not deluge me with reminders to renew or upgrade like other provider, and I am a happy camper.

  • Leo Shulga - awsome Software

    great product i use it for up loading over 100 address a day it optimizes them pretty good, very helpful tool

  • TAYLOR CLARK - Magnificent

    Bought second one for a bday gift! She loveeeddd it , she uses it almost eveRy day, she jumped up n down when she saw unwrapped it