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Country:, North America, CA

City: -79.6854 Ontario, Canada

  • Sara Zeek - Working Well!

    We are renting an old house that takes on water in the basement resulting in a nasty, musty smell that was driving me nuts. The landlord has no interest in solving his moisture problem so I was looking for a fix for the time we will be living here. I put two buckets in the basement along with a baking soda tablet and a week later I have noticed a definitive difference in the damp, musty feel and the smell is gone. I'm really happy!

  • Arthur Dent - Criteria for effectiveness hard to specify

    Taking the supplement as suggested seemed to produce an improvement in mood, but it's difficult to say the supplement was the cause rather than some other change, the passage of time, etc. There was no clear "before vs after" change, or a complete vanishing of the mood problem addressed. If interested, I'd suggest a trial and strict observance of the limits suggested by the manufacturer.

  • BZBadger - Tries to do too much.

    This amplifies everything to the point that its a blended mess. I'm 70% deaf in one ear and I couldn't turn the volume down low enough to make it comfortable to listen with. If this were used in a quiet environment with few ambient sounds then possibly it would have it's place but anything other than that it is useless. It seems to pull every sound in and over amplify even the smallest of sounds, it's too much without the ability to decrease.