
Inici - Albert Gimenez (Lleida, 1980) és dissenyador i emprenedor. Es va titular en telecomunicacions i, entre d’altres llocs, ha treballat en sectors de l'Energia Renovable, Finances, Sistemes de Telecomunicació i Disseny/programació de pàgines web.

Country:, Europe, FR

City: 2.3387 , France

  • Tracy - SmartMix

    Love this product.... I drink one first thing in the morning .. Have noticed a big difference in joint pain .... You get 8 in a box and you get 4 boxes . Amazons price was the best I found .

  • nansy g. - Must buy!

    People rave about this product for a reason. The smell is just amazing, and secondly it leaves my hair so smooth. I have a lot of hair and long so I like to use a comb after applying this into my hair in the shower just to make use it's all in there, and also it helps my hair dry faster if I let my hair air dry afterwards. After bleaching my hair, I feel like it definitely helped a lot. I will purchase it again when I run out.

  • Caoimhe Dru'Ann Gallagher - Love it!

    Works great. My new s7 keeps a charge most of the day, but I like being able to set it down to recharge when I'm in bed at night on my computer. I can easily pick it up if I need to without having to unplug it to bring it over.

  • A.T. - Perfectly natural antibiotic.

    Although, pure powder with no additives would be better in this case THE PRICE IS RIGHT and it isn't something I will be taking chronically so it's all good. :) I took it for candida (500mg three times a day, 6 horus apartn with vitamin e oil and cayenne) but I didn't add enough good bacteria probiotics so when I ran out The candida came back with a vengeance. That just serves to show its effectiveness though. Now i got this and water kefir grains and soon milk kefir grains annd I'm gonna kick all the bad bugs/yeasts but. The key to a good antibiotic regimen is to add good bacteria more than the antibiotic can kill, thus while its killing the bad bacteria faster than they can reproduce, you are adding good bacteria in fast than the antibiotic can kill it and they are taking up residence in that freed up space. Thus you circumvent the community resistance that would occur if you were just taking probiotics and no Goldenseal. Anyway, after a bit (3 weeks maybe?) you reach a tipping point where there is more good bacteria than bad bacteria and you can stop taking the antibiotics and the good bacteria will clean up. DO keep taking probiotics though. And do not stop the antibiotics too early.

  • M. Askar - Great quality and price

    I can't say how happy I am with this bike. The price dropped around $100 since I first put this in my Cart on Amazon. The bike is a beautiful blue. Very sturdy and rides very smooth. You have to be somewhat savvy with assembling things before you can put this bike together. It requires a fair amount of skill.

  • JLFergerberger - POS Sufferers need to follow this book

    I read and followed this book and in a matter of less than 2 months my triglycerides went from 252 to 123!!! For those of you who don't know what that means....It's REALLY good!! Your Cholesterol can be fine but you can still have high triglycerides and that means trouble, it basically means you have too much fat in your blood. I maybe lost 16 pounds within a month's time but those numbers were what impressed me most. It is a sensible and easy concept to follow, nothing radical here just common sense and eating the right things the right way. They make it easy to understand so it was an easy read and it got right to the point. I particularly liked how they used real people cenarios to kind of get you to feel like "that's me", I really liked this book.